#PAS19: Forklifts and Nail Guns and Drills, Oh My!
Mercury Systems
June 15, 2019

Arriving on the scene at le Bourget today, was akin to being immersed in the first sketch of a pointillist painting dotted with “hi-vis” yellow and orange safety vests. Those wearing them are the smart, safety-conscious people who are working to get the 53rd International Paris Air Show ready for launch (pun intended). It doesn’t look like much now (truthfully, we’re struggling to fathom how it will all come together in time), but by Monday, thanks to the long days and all-nighters of talented carpenters, electricians, plumbers, heavy equipment operators, IT/AV professionals, security and law enforcement officers, among many others, it will be spectacular, fully realized Seurat of 142,000 professionals blending together to create their own Sunday Afternoon at Le Bourget.
Our exhibition space (Hall 4, stand B41) will be host to myriad flight-safety assurance offerings including the ROCK-2 mission computing platform, as well as our esteemed Mercury ground team, nine GIFAS delegations and in our conference room, upward of 50 meetings with both existing and prospective customers and partners. Stay tuned for daily updates and a vlog or two so you can share in the action of the Mercury stand!