What The Speed of Mercury means to me
Mark Aslett, President and CEO
May 10, 2021
Businesses are always talking about evolution. There is a classic Harvard Business Review article from – believe it or not – 1972 that has been republished many times over and even updated more than 15 years later, but the crux of the story remains true today. It’s about how companies develop and grow, and what sticks with me from this enduring article is the concept of not only evolution, but revolution. The author says that as organizations age and grow, they reach a quiet evolutionary period of prolonged growth “without a major economic setback or severe internal disruption.” But it goes on to say that this is not indefinitely sustainable; companies will see times of upheaval that involve organizational changes: periods of revolution. What used to work no longer does. It is within these revolutionary periods that successful companies must find new organizational practices that “will become the basis for managing the next period of evolutionary growth.”
Mercury’s strategy has worked well over the past six years, and we anticipate yet another strong year as we approach our 40-year anniversary. Evolution. For me, Mercury has reached an inflection point, and it is time to both celebrate our past and take a fresh look at how we can accelerate our growth and continue to create value for all of our stakeholders. It’s time for revolution.
We are developing a blueprint for ongoing value creation to ensure Mercury is well positioned for what’s next: the right processes, practices and mindset to serve customers, attract and retain the right talent and prepare us for our next phases of growth. Many companies wait too long to address changes that come with high growth. We intend to take full advantage of our position of strength and the opportunities at hand to truly scale Mercury to create value as we look toward the next milestone in revenue.
Our industry is changing. We know our business has the potential to be bigger, stronger and more valuable. Mercury’s recent growth has already demonstrated our remarkable ability to come together to deliver superior results. We are a team that lives and breathes our Culture, Values and Purpose: Innovation That Matters, By and For People Who Matter.
The Speed of Mercury
We’re not just leaning into the future, we’re investing in it: developing innovations that deliver trusted, secure, high-performance sensor and processing solutions that are open, relevant and positioned to change the world for the better; adopting new and agile processes for our technology development cycles to better match the revolution in the commercial sector; creating common development tools to quicken the deployment of new technology solutions.
We have only scratched the surface and have even greater growth and value to unlock. I am certain this journey will accelerate our ability to realize our full potential as individuals, as teams and as One Mercury. Accelerating innovation at The Speed of Mercury enables us to make the world’s most sophisticated technologies profoundly more accessible. But our reason for doing it will always be profoundly human: to make the world a safer and more secure place for all.
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