Blogs and Podcasts
The people, ideas, trends and topics at the intersection of high tech and defense

Blogs & Podcasts
The Impact of the Pandemic on the Future of Work


The Impact of the Pandemic on the Future of Work

VIDEO PODCAST! Flexibility, stronger collaboration, the transformation of digital tools for daily work, a continuance of empathy, patience and kindness, and efforts to digitally continue inclusiveness. Learn why Emma Woodthorpe says, “The future of work is now.”

Mercury Systems

September 16, 2020

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Changing the RF and Spectrum Processing Industry


Changing the RF and Spectrum Processing Industry

It’s finally here. Trusted, onshore 2.5D custom microelectronics. Listen as Tom Smelker, VP and general manager, Microsystems, discusses Mercury’s collaboration with semiconductor partners to bring the latest leading-edge, customizable silicon to the defense community to boost radar and EW processing.

Mercury Systems

September 14, 2020

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How Mercury Systems and Intel Collaborate to Bring Artificial Intelligence to Defense


How Mercury Systems and Intel Collaborate to Bring Artificial Intelligence to Defense

Mercury and Intel collaborate, bringing their own unique sets of technological know-how, to develop and implement AI applications for quicker deployment and integration in the field to enhance national security.

Mercury Systems

September 3, 2020

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Developing and Adapting Mission-Critical Displays


Developing and Adapting Mission-Critical Displays

Our mission-critical displays are engineered to deliver unparalleled performance across multiple domains, in the most extreme environments. Hear how Mercury uses LG technology to tackle challenges in both the development and adaptation of commercial AMLCDs.

Mercury Systems

August 21, 2020

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Taking the Data Center to the Edge with High-Performance Embedded Edge Computing


Taking the Data Center to the Edge with High-Performance Embedded Edge Computing

Data center GPU coprocessing for aerospace and defense: High-performance computing has evolved into high-performance embedded edge computing.

John Bratton

July 27, 2020

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Supporting Significant Avionics Market Trends


Supporting Significant Avionics Market Trends

Discover how safety-certifiable computing is evolving to meet the application requirements of next generation platforms. Dr. Amela Wilson, senior vice president and general manager of Mission Division at Mercury Systems, discusses the increasing demands placed on safety-critical solutions to solve the challenges of the future battle space and aerospace.

Mercury Systems

July 20, 2020

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Supply Chain Integrity in COVID-19


Supply Chain Integrity in COVID-19

COVID-19 has exposed the fragility of the supply chain and the need to minimize risk. Mercury’s supply chain experts, Ash Hall and Ping Maltbie, discuss the risks associated with offshore management, ownership and manufacturing, and how Mercury is working to control supply integrity with more robust central sourcing strategies.

Mercury Systems

June 26, 2020

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Securing Our Domestic Supply Chain


Securing Our Domestic Supply Chain

Now more than ever, we must address the entire ecosystem to build and sustain a robust and resilient domestic defense supply chain for decades to come—including investing in companies providing essential defense capabilities that are part of this chain and maintaining a globally competitive microelectronics industrial base in the U.S.

Mark Aslett, Chief Executive Officer

June 24, 2020

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A Trusted and Secure Ecosystem for Microelectronics


A Trusted and Secure Ecosystem for Microelectronics

As the Pentagon continues to make microelectronics modernization a number-one priority in light of COVID-19, Mercury Systems CEO Mark Aslett shares his thoughts about the importance of addressing the entire microelectronics capabilities ecosystem critical to the nation’s defense.

Mercury Systems

June 15, 2020

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Messaging With Purpose in a COVID-19 World


Messaging With Purpose in a COVID-19 World

COVID-19 presented unique challenges when it came to deciding the appropriate time to begin telling our story to an external audience. When was it okay to start talking about business again? When would it not sound uncaring? We knew it was important to place people and purpose at the front as we took our early steps into post-COVID external messaging.

Stephanie Georges, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer

June 9, 2020

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Using Data to Stop Covid-19


Using Data to Stop Covid-19

Data sharing across a global analytic community provides an understanding of how the Covid-19 virus spreads, a geographic understanding of the current infection densities, and its efficacy in helping end the pandemic spread of the virus.

Mercury Systems

June 4, 2020

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Leading the Way With Edge Processing


Leading the Way With Edge Processing

As technology scales, traditional AI processing in facilities away from the battlefield is no longer a solution. Mercury Systems is using new 2.5D SiP technology to enable edge processing applications and answering needs for digitization closer to the sensor.

Mercury Systems

May 27, 2020

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The Scope of Global Engineering


The Scope of Global Engineering

Innovation That Matters® – it’s what Mercury Systems is all about. With a commitment to its customers’ missions, a goal to always develop new technologies, and a drive to be innovative, the engineering group at Mercury has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Listen to Jim Gallagher, Global VP of Engineering, as he discusses how his team is working to build a single, cohesive team across business units with a shared vision of the future for Mercury and its customers.

Mercury Systems

May 15, 2020

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Can I get a SOSA-aligned everything, please?


Can I get a SOSA-aligned everything, please?

SOSA can provide the balance between plug-and-play and secure sustainability for multiple devices to work together seamlessly. This new technology architecture can save time, reduce SWaP, and increase the speed of innovation.

Kelsey Ryon

May 13, 2020

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Bridging the Gap to the Next Normal


Bridging the Gap to the Next Normal

As critical as navigating through crisis, you must also anticipate traversing into a new phase. Transitioning to your next normal can be a natural extension of your communication and messaging strategies during these unsettled times.

Stephanie Georges, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer

May 8, 2020

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Radical Technology in Autonomous Vehicles


Radical Technology in Autonomous Vehicles

In today’s world of innovation and technology, what were once ambitious creations of imagination are quickly becoming the new reality. Mercury Systems’ HDversa server is a comprehensive solution that enables self-driving technology in autonomous vehicles and takes into consideration current and future requirements.

Kristie Sombatphibane

May 7, 2020

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Talent Attraction in a Digital World


Talent Attraction in a Digital World

Listen as Jamie Durkin, head of Talent Attraction at Mercury, discusses continued growth, hiring challenges in a digital world, and working towards the “Why?” of the company.

Mercury Systems

May 6, 2020

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Keeping an Eye on Quality through COVID-19


Keeping an Eye on Quality through COVID-19

For companies like Mercury, a reduction in quality is never an option - even during a pandemic. We assure our customers and partners of our commitment to delivering the highest quality, which has always defined us. The Quality Engineering group at Mercury always seeks to turn ideas into results for our customers, delivering trusted, secure mission-critical technologies as part of our commitment to Innovation That Matters®.

Matthew Grosshans, Senior Director, Mission Assurance

May 5, 2020

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Building Trust As We Move Toward a Next Normal


Building Trust As We Move Toward a Next Normal

By flattening the decision-making process; altering the speed, mechanisms and cadence of conversation; operating with transparency in communications; and proving accountability, we have unlocked the trust of our team. And as we pivot and start to consider what the workplace looks like when we return, we must also consider how we will incorporate this new way of doing business as we move to the “next normal.”

Stephanie Georges, Senior Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer

April 30, 2020

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