Blogs and Podcasts
The people, ideas, trends and topics at the intersection of high tech and defense

Blogs & Podcasts
Sailing Through the Fog into the Edge

Sailing Through the Fog into the Edge

Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing for Defense Applications.

Shaza Khan

March 5, 2019

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Encryption Keys: The Cliff Notes Version, Part 4

Encryption Keys: The Cliff Notes Version, Part 4

In my prior three posts, I provided an overview of encryption key fundamentals and the various encryption key mode strategies that can be implemented in a Mercury secure SSD. If you did not read those, stop everything and go back to them now!

Jennifer Keenan

March 8, 2019

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Enabling Edge Processing in Military Intelligent Sensors

Enabling Edge Processing in Military Intelligent Sensors

In military environments, seconds can be the difference between life or death and mission success or failure. A soldier in hostile territory needs their mobile system to rapidly process sensor data to accurately analyze threats and take action. Intelligent sensor systems using artificial intelligence (AI) to make automatic critical decisions without human intervention rely on […]

Jennifer Keenan

March 14, 2019

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