AUSA Global Force Next
March 16, 2021
No doubt you’ve heard that the Army is undergoing its biggest transformational change since the 1970s. Emerging technologies like AI, hyper-sonics, machine-learning, nanotechnology, and robotics are driving fundamental change in the character of conflict. To meet the demands of a rapidly evolving battlefield, the Army is exploring leap-ahead advances in technology, partnerships, and engagements.
Until now, potential partners like yourself have been on the outside looking in.
That changes March 16-18 with Global Force Next, an immersive virtual event where you can learn from, connect, and network with key Army leaders. The information you’ll get will be up-to-date and tangible. The insights you’ll receive will be invaluable.
The theme will be Protecting Tomorrow through Persistent Modernization. This year’s event will focus on Project Convergence and highlight the Army’s modernization efforts at echelon for an era of competition among today’s great powers. Our program will include live panels, as well as updates from all eight Cross-Functional Teams (CFTs.)