Data Storage and Transfer
Rugged and secure systems and modules purpose-built for big data loads
Rugged and secure systems and modules purpose-built for big data loads
The increase in both number and sophistication of sensors continues to drive the demand for faster, more secure data exchange on edge computing platforms.
Built with open architectures and options for advanced encryption, our proven data solutions facilitate information exchange and extraction of big data for missions everywhere while rugged and secure modules protect critical data at the edge.
Modular and high-capacity rugged solutions that record data and accelerate information exchange.
Talon recorder systems
Flight-ready, high-capacity video recorders that record and transfer high-definition audio and…
Ideal for space and radiation-intense environments, our high-density SSDRs use SLC NAND with…
Proven encryption solutions that protect classified and sensitive data.
Reduce your downtime and malfunction risk with rugged solutions and anomaly-free certifiable subsystems designed for reliable edge computing.
Mercury’s modular solutions, designed using open system architectures and open standards, can be quickly and affordably updated with the latest technologies to support changing AI software or algorithm requirements.
Data Protection
FIPS 140-2 and advanced encryption protocols protect sensitive technology and confidential data from cyber or local attacks.
Challenge: Record atmospheric dust data from space to better forecast global climate change.
Solution: Compact, radiation-tolerant, solid-state data recorders for reliable, on-orbit storage of high- resolution map data.