White Paper: Processing Evolution for the Future Electronic Battlespace

June 15, 2022

To manage the growing challenge of electronic battlefield complexity in electronically contested environments, rapid development and deployment of new, more sophisticated RF capabilities, including advanced sensor processing subsystems, is essential.

Building next gen RF processing subsystems capable of handling the challenges and threats posed by current and future adversaries requires early engagement with proven system integration experts, a wide portfolio of interoperable digital, RF and mixed signal system building blocks, and proven system security engineering (SSE) for end-to-end protection. Close cooperation with
technology visionaries, program managers, and engineering teams is key to getting the maximum value from new RF processing solutions to move programs forward.

Relying on a partner with expertise in solving advanced sensor processing problems for platforms operating at the tactical edge is imperative. At Mercury, we know that all our technology innovations are complemented and enhanced by customer partnerships, collaborating to solve problems.

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