White Paper: Placing Data Center Storage Technology at the Tactical Edge

June 21, 2024

18min read time (2434 words)

The advancement of sensor technology such as radar, image capture and radio frequency
devices has resulted in a massive increase in the amount of data collected by defense
customers. This information, known as big data, has proved to be difficult to store, access
or analyze in real time. Solving this storage issue is vital to ensure that the critical decision makers
of today and tomorrow can take well-informed actions and avoid limiting the capabilities
of current, emerging and future sensor technology. This paper explores the data storage
challenges that must be overcome and presents new technology from Mercury Systems and
VAST Data Federal as a compelling solution.

Read this white paper to learn: 

  • How data from sensors is facing high latency bottlenecks
  • Technology compromises for edge computing
  • Environmental considerations for aerospace and defense systems
  • The evolving U.S. defense strategy such as JADC2
  • Data storage impact on U.S. Army and U.S. Navy programs and platforms
  • Mercury's Rugged Data Storage (RDS) Solution
  • Importance of flash-based and universal storage
  • Modular and software-defined architecture with VAST
  • 3 misconceptions about deployable storage
  • Future storage architecture considerations for defense

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