Article: Stacked, high-speed DDR4 and DDR5 memory

Today’s autonomous and artificial intelligence (AI) military systems process an ever-growing amount of sensor data. To handle this extreme workload, system architects must design boards using the fastest FPGA [field-programmable gate array] devices and Intel multicore processors. These devices cannot provide peak performance without massive amounts of high-speed double-data rate fourth generation (DDR4) memory for resident data and real-time execution

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Webinar: Overcoming Memory Design Challenges in High-Performance Edge Computing
Webinar: Overcoming Memory Design Challenges in High-Performance Edge Computing

In this webinar, discover how to address memory design challenges at the sensor edge with modern packaging ...

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Assured Signal Integrity in stacked, high-speed DDR4 and DDR5 memory
Assured Signal Integrity in stacked, high-speed DDR4 and DDR5 memory

Edge processing architectures in today’s autonomous and AI military systems, process an ever growing amount...