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Solutions Brief: Intel and Mercury Deliver Rugged Edge Processing and Advanced Security for Defense

Mercury Systems is partnering with Intel to develop high-performance, ruggedized edge computing solutions capable of bringing computational power where it's needed: close to the data source. Using the latest Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors and Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, Mercury Systems has created servers and OpenVPX systems that allow mission-critical edge computing tasks to be carried out under the harshest of environmental conditions.

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Article:  The Big Data Battlefield
Article: The Big Data Battlefield

Learn what big data is and why the military relies on big data data pipelines to drive artificial intellige...

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Webinar: Enhance Multi-Domain Operation with GPU-Enabled Solutions
Webinar: Enhance Multi-Domain Operation with GPU-Enabled Solutions

Take advantage of GPU data processing and AI/ML capabilities at the tactical edge by managing the challenge...