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Article: Special Purpose Appliances Fuel Singularity

September 17, 2020

Approximate Read Time: 17 minutes (2282 words)

Special Purpose Appliances Fuel Singularity, an FPGA/GPU Application Case Study

Since the early 1980’s each next-generation system architecture has exhibited the characteristic of physically collapsing to the next highest level of integration. Parallel bus structures provided physical support, power and signaling to enable a building block approach to developing solutions – especially for embedded computing platforms. What is next?

In this short article you will learn:

  1. History of system architecture from 1980’s to now
  2. Examples of applications suited to GPUs and FPGAs
  3. Why GPUs and FPGAs are needed for Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning
  4. When to use GPUs versus FPGAs
  5. Programmability challenges of GPUs and FPGAs
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