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White Paper: A Better Alternative for Advanced Electronic Warfare Solutions

Discussing the specifics on how to get to flexible, affordable, open and interoperable building blocks to deliver EW solutions that fit the needs of today’s world is clearly important. However, we believe that the critical missing element within the defense industrial base is a business model that can effectively design, engineer, develop and test those building blocks. That is why Mercury Systems has pioneered a next generation business model.

This white paper: 

  • Examines the Electronic Warfare landscape and why it plays such an important role 
  • Discusses our business model and why it matters 
  • Highlights key components of EW - including deceptive jammers and denial jamming, countermeasures, and threat analysis 
  • Features the role of Open Systems Architectures within EW 
  • Presents a better way forward for the future of EW that meets the challenges of today and tomorrow
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