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Whitepaper: A Next Generation Business Model Bridging The Gap In Support Of The Defense Industry - Whitepaper

February 7, 2018 Kristie Sombatphibane

Reading Time: 12 minutes (3,480 words)

Defense acquisition reforms of the last few years have resulted in some real progress and cost savings. However, the underlying issues around how we develop, procure and deploy technology within the DoD have yet to be adequately addressed. Enterprises supporting the DoD can leverage commercial investment, open systems architectures and internal R&D to deliver reusable and portable solutions that can support multiple platforms and a variety of missions. 

Key Learnings

  • Defense acquisition reforms that have driven progress
  • Why DoD technology is often expensive and unsustainable
  • How commercial technology and open architectures build this gap
  • Creating a business model that drives sustainable technology innovation and reduces co-investment costs



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