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White Paper: Enabling Edge Processing with Stacked, High-Speed DDR4 and DDR5 Memory

In military environments, seconds can be the difference between mission success or failure and life or death. System malfunction or failure due to poor signal integrity within integrated circuits and embedded board designs leads to catastrophic events. 

The problems are stacking up

The complexity of die stacking and wire bonding increases with each additional die needed to design high-density memory, such as a single 16GB DDR4 device or a custom multi-chip module (MCM) device. With so many circuits in a tightly stacked configuration, signal integrity is at the forefront of design considerations. 

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Case Study:  Building in Flight-Safety Certification into Secure, Mission-Critical Processing Subsystems
Case Study: Building in Flight-Safety Certification into Secure, Mission-Critical Processing Subsystems

Mercury, contracted by Airbus D&S is supplying processing subsystems as part of the EGNOS common computing ...

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White Paper:  Embedded Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence - Part 1
White Paper: Embedded Cognitive Computing and Artificial Intelligence - Part 1

This white paper describes AI and cognitive computing (CC) and introduces the underlying largely commercial...