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White Paper: Building Safe and Secure Systems for Tomorrow's Autonomous Platforms

26 minute read (3375 words)

Future defense and aerospace platforms are becoming smarter and more autonomous. Operating in commercial as well as hostile military environments, these systems require high levels of proven system security engineering (SSE) and intrinsic trust for system-wide processing integrity and demonstrable operational safety in order to achieve airworthiness certification.  System designers are thus facing a complex challenge: how to reconcile the often-divergent requirements of system-level safety and security to protect systems and mitigate risk.

Read the whitepaper to learn:

  • Design practices for building safe and flight-certifiable systems
  • Cyber and physical security strategies, approaches and technologies 
  • Challenges and evolving methods of combining "public" safety and "private" security disciplines
  • New design approaches to building reliable, safe and secure systems 
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